Wednesday, January 11, 2012

School continues...

Teacher commented that Kay was doing so well in school yesterday. Much less crying and slight increase in involvement in class, ate more and managed to communicate to the teachers she needs to poo. She calls it "ng-ng"...
This is one of the worries I have. This little lady stopped releasing in her diapers since 10-11 months; if she said she want to do it, u didn't take off her diaper and put her on the toilet. She will hold it and you will know what you get the following day... A whole lot of dry painful chunks on top of a wailing girl, and the girl on top of a toilet seat.
With so much to brag abt, u must be thinking I had an easy morning... That's quite WRONG! Putting on uniform is still ok. Putting on shoes has slight resistance and leaving my arms to go to papa's was done with much crying but she is still ok. Previously, Thad was like "peeled" off me. I could tell Kay wants to go to school, she just dun like to be apart from mommy.

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