Thursday, June 7, 2012

project relocation

It's been madness busy. Having moved into the new place, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. A month has passed and there are still jobs needed to be rectified, this made me not able settle into a routine. Work and chores and contractors. Sleep training is also uncertain, sometimes they sleep thru without me; most of the time Kay will wake up and walk to my room to ask for me. Thad is generally ok unless he is awakened by night mare. Sending them to school is another big problem, the new distance is a big challenge. We've been trying out a lot of new ways to make things easier for us. When it seems like, taking bus to school and ride bicycle back at receiving is the best, the bicycle broke down. Tough stuff. With everything not going too smoothly, I must thank God for my muscles and toughness; it's discouraging. Children love the new house, the extra running and breathing space make everyone happy.

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